Hello dear bloggy friends!

I am happy to inform you that Spring has sprung here in my part of the world-Eastern Pennsylvania. Our temps are very up and down but I’ll take them since we have a very short Spring before our weather turns Summerish with accompanying humidity and bugs. These are blooming at the moment.

However, today it is raining and some of us don’t like getting his paws wet. 

I don’t mind rainy days. In fact they seem to add a cozy affection to our house. Of course most of that is due to all the clutter we have.  Especially all the yarn that is about, and books and notebooks and project bags. The list goes on. I still haven’t found a new cleaning lady or things would not look like this-


The dining room table is loaded down with yarn and my yarn winding apparatus. But soon and very soon all that will change as Roger and I get ourselves into second gear and start the process of cleaning our large rambling house in preparation for company arriving to celebrate a grandson’s birthday

and Easter. And, it’s always nice to have an uncluttered house afterwards.πŸ™‚ At least for awhile.☺️ As I speak Roger is busy vacuuming. We are doing things backwards vacuuming, decluttering, dusting and uncovering pet covers from furniture. Oh well, as long as it gets done. After all we have 10 rooms plus and 2 days to do it in.

Roger and I are well. In fact he has decided he will stay on with working for my son who has a swimming pool business. It’s part time and seasonal but I had hoped he would finally retire this year. After all he will be 78 in July. 

Lots of upcoming happenings in the next few month. Oldest grandchild gets married in June. So bridal shower is next week at a country club not close by. I  will be going but first must find out how to get there. The wedding is at a winery with tastings, cocktail hour and reception. Not really my cup of tea and have decided I will go to the wedding but not to the rest. Shock! Horror! I am definitely not the flavor of the month right now. The wedding is going to be a huge affair and I can’t see that I should be made to feel guilty. My motto in my old age is be true to one’s self.

Lucy.  She has been to the vet several times with incontinent issues. Finally, after all sorts of tests it was determined that she has a UTI. She’s been on antibiotics for a week now but I don’t see any improvement so far. I sincerely hope there will be an improvement soon. Poor little baby. And poor us. I think I would rather be sick myself than to have my fur babies try to communicate with me what the heck is going on with them.

We have had Lucy Belle from a puppy even though she was adopted from a shelter In Kentucky. She is about 12 years old now, I think. Buddy, we adopted a few years ago at the age of 10 so they are about the same age. I’m not sure but I think in dog years they would be about the same age as us. I am 74 and have lots of aches and pains so I expect it is also the same with them.  On the other hand, if that is the case, Buddy is definitely not showing his age.πŸ™‚when it’s night time he sleeps and when it is exercise time he is like a puppy racing around our property sniffing out anything he might be able to chase. Fortunately there are a lot of hiding places.😳

That about covers my ZHAPPININGS (Zarzycki happenings) which really doesn’t add up to a lot. Hope your happenings are more exciting.

Have a wonderful weekend! From our house to yours.❤️




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