Hello my dear lovely readers! This blog post is photo heavy and should be named : A TRIP AROUND THE HOUSE WITH BUDDY.
The pictures are actually displayed last pictures first but I didn’t want to fight with blogger or my lacking abilities so I just left them the way they uploaded. Thank you for your patience🙂.
So, here we go…

The back of our house is just lovely right now with all the flowering trees.

The side of our house that faces the road where the new gas generator was installed. Not pretty. Except for the Snowball bush. It smells heavenly.

I think this is a Crepe Mertle tree.

This is where the ditch problem was that the contractor left us with. Roger and 2 neighbors worked all day last week to correct the problem and spread it with grass seed and straw. It goes from the house up to the mailbox at the top of driveway. We live in a valley.

Our house is being gobbled up by Ivy! Help!

Thankfully Buddy does not chase deer.

The diameter of the tree the freak tornato destroyed the other month.

The rest of the tree plus a sister tree that has been taken care of.

Back to the back. Lucy didn’t want to walk with us after much encouragement and promises of treats, so Buddy and I turned around and headed to the back door again.

And Buddy, Himself.

Buddy has so much energy for an older dog and loves our big spaces.

 So, we get to this lovely picture! ALYSSA AND JIMMY.❤️ Such a lovely couple, so suited to each other. Both high school teachers and teach at the same school. However our schools are huge and they probably don’t even see each other during the school day.  This is the tail end of her bridal shower that I was moaning about having to attend in my last post. (I am an introvert if you didn’t know already.). It was absolutely lovely. At a beautiful setting with a waterfall seen from the windows. About 60 women attended the catered event with cocktails and full course meal. WOW. IT WAS ALMOST LIKE GOING TO A WEDDING.❣️She received oodles of lovely gifts. I gave her a set of iron stone type dishes, white, that was on her registry. The wedding is June 22nd. Her sister, Lynsey, (who is graduating from college also in June) put on the whole shebang and did a lovely job. Nothing but the best for my son’s daughters.❤️ 

❤️ So there you have it.❤️
I hope you are also having happy moments.


  1. Y husband and ai taught at the same school for 10 great years. Best wishes for a happy life together for these young teachers.

  2. Hello! Lovely photos all around! And best wishes to the lovely young people. A whole life awaits them!

  3. I enjoyed seeing your photographs.
    Sending my best wishes to the lovely couple.

    All the best Jan

  4. Thank-you for the lovely photos of nature, yes thank-you Lord for spring so refreshing.
    Buddy is positively adorable, Alyssa and Jimmy are so cute, he so handsome her so pretty, that is a large showers wow.


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