

View from Caterpillar Hill Hello there!  We have had our fair share of rainy days lately. However on one of our warm and lovely days I took the camera and headed out to do some errands. I crossed Little Deer Isle to head off the Island. Our bridge off the Island is often under construction  and this day was no different  with a  long line of traffic backed up to get across the bridge. So I decided to turn left into  Bridge End park where  there's a little eating place with picnic tables  along the shore. It has a lot going on there with a pier, boat launch and wonderful views of the bridge. This spot opened up last year I think but was my first time eating there. I  really loved my lobster roll, chips and soda. The ocean was flat calm so I took lots of pictures. The Osprey nests at the top of the towers were just a speck but I zoomed in  the best I could. (When I crossed the bridge yesterday the eaglets were large enough that y...


Mary's view from her house. Isn't it lovely with the sunlight shimmering off the water? My good friend, Mary, lives just up over the hill. I can almost see her house from our driveway. Yesterday we had scheduled to go down the Island to have lunch at a favorite Island year round eating spot, Harbor Cafe, in Stonington. Actually, we were hoping to try the drive-in at the bridge but it is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. Stonington harbor, view from the cafe Harbor cafe. We found a spot in front to park. Summer rentals Gift shops, rentals and restaurants dot the area as well as houses of year round residents. Stonington Harbor is starting to get busy. 🐧🐧🐧 After a very delicious lunch of a lobster and crab roll with a lobster roll to go home with me for Mom and a chat about everything and anything, I took some pictures of the view there and we headed back up the Island. Taken from the top of my hill at Gene's house. I dropped Mary ...


Hi there! Today looks to be a pretty good day, June 2. It's noontime and sunny outside. A nice salty breeze is coming off the sea.  Our curtains are closed to the sunlight. Mom is still sleeping (she is an insomniac). And since her bedroom these days is the old living room separated from the rest of the house by an archway, the curtains on the large picture Windows at the front of the house stay closed until I wake her to take her medication at 12:30. It's a super duper fluid pill that when taken, a half hour before her regular diuretic, will ensure that during the course of the afternoon she will trot, as fast as a 92 year old on a walker can, back and forth from her recliner to the bathroom. So far she has rid her body of over 30 pounds of fluid in the past 5 weeks. Needless to say, all her other symptoms have diminished also. Her breathing is back to normal and blood work has shown that the anemia is slowly becoming more manageable on the increased regimen of do...


There is pleasure in the pathless woods, and rapture on the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar: I love not man the less but nature more. (Lord Byron) Nature The Cuteness of it The peacefulness So Colorful Good-bye May, Hello June! 💗