Hi there! Today looks to be a pretty good day, June 2. It's noontime and sunny outside. A nice salty breeze is coming off the sea. Our curtains are closed to the sunlight. Mom is still sleeping (she is an insomniac). And since her bedroom these days is the old living room separated from the rest of the house by an archway, the curtains on the large picture Windows at the front of the house stay closed until I wake her to take her medication at 12:30. It's a super duper fluid pill that when taken, a half hour before her regular diuretic, will ensure that during the course of the afternoon she will trot, as fast as a 92 year old on a walker can, back and forth from her recliner to the bathroom. So far she has rid her body of over 30 pounds of fluid in the past 5 weeks. Needless to say, all her other symptoms have diminished also. Her breathing is back to normal and blood work has shown that the anemia is slowly becoming more manageable on the increased regimen of double doses of iron tablets. What amazed me is the price of her potassium prescription meds that she needs when taking diuretics; $95 for a one month prescription after discount! 😱 What is it with the high cost of medicine for the elderly on fixed incomes??
The Island is greening up!
What's happening these days, aside from Mom's health report...well, I had my eye injection on the 30th in Bangor at the Retina Center. I don't know what went wrong but every so often the medication combined with the numbing drops (or maybe the lack there of) just don't play nice together. I think I received a different macular med then what I receive in Pennsylvania because it was an all around bad experiece. Oh, don't get me wrong, my doctor and staff are lovely. I was asked what I was on but I didn't know. I will have to find out and have it written down for future reference. My eye has been irritated ever since but is improving slowly.
It was with great sorrow that I said good-bye to my "Nest" last week. She was a bright spot in my life for the past 13 years, a sanctuary by the sea, when I needed to escape back to my roots. But circumstances change and we have to change with them. When I'm on the Island now I stay in the house with Mom so my "Nest" was just sitting empty and forlorn. I finally made the decision to sell her and now she is making someone else happy. So sad but glad.
...I have just finished listening to 3 Audible books while recovering from my eye problems. I read a lot of books but I do enjoy listening sometimes. I get one free book (1credit) a month on my Audible membership and had built up 3 credits.
Another Chapter Closed
It was with great sorrow that I said good-bye to my "Nest" last week. She was a bright spot in my life for the past 13 years, a sanctuary by the sea, when I needed to escape back to my roots. But circumstances change and we have to change with them. When I'm on the Island now I stay in the house with Mom so my "Nest" was just sitting empty and forlorn. I finally made the decision to sell her and now she is making someone else happy. So sad but glad.
Hobby Revisited After Many Years...
A few weeks ago I bought a hobby table, an office chair and a plastic floor mat from Amazon. It arrived and I decided on one of our rainy days to put them together. Usually Roger does all the assembly work but since he is at home in Bethlehem, well, needs must, as the saying goes. Thankfully all the screws and parts were included, none missing, that's always a fear. During the course of a couple of days, working sporadically on it, I now have a makeshift sewing center set up, have dusted off my sewing machine and have started on my youngest granddaughter's long promised quilt. I will take a picture soon. It's in the early stages of measuring, cutting, piecing. Also the battery in my camera is dead and the charger isn't working. I have ordered a new one from Amazon. Why oh why didn't we buy stock in that company in the last crash, 2008?, when it was affordable??
...I have just finished listening to 3 Audible books while recovering from my eye problems. I read a lot of books but I do enjoy listening sometimes. I get one free book (1credit) a month on my Audible membership and had built up 3 credits.
I enjoyed all 3! It always makes me happy when I find new authors to read or listen to who hold me in their clutches to the extent that I have to force myself to eat, sleep or take care of Mom!
l confess that I enjoy looking out the kitchen window also and might be guilty of spending more $ than I should on seeds and cracked corn.
The following photos were taken while standing at the sink looking out the window into the yard where I feed the birds. There's a discharge pipe from our wet cellar and when there's been a lot of rain, water from the pipe forms a puddle before draining down into a brook. The puddle is clean and birds like to drink and bathe in it. Mallard ducks come in from wherever to use the puddle and brook as a source of fresh water and they compete with the deer and raccoons for the cracked corn that I sprinkle around. I have 5 birdfeeders on what used to be a clothes line. I also throw seed and corn on the ground so that other critters that visit won't go away hungry. I know, I'm a soft touch. Every day there is activity in our yard. Sometimes surprises! Like the pretty blue bird that I am not sure if it is an indigo bunting or a blue tanager. I should hunt around for my guidebook.
Through the kitchen window
The wildlife outside our kitchen window here on the Island is very entertaining! Since Mom is housebound and only gets out for her doctor appointments; TV, Word search, and life outside our windows are HER hobbies.l confess that I enjoy looking out the kitchen window also and might be guilty of spending more $ than I should on seeds and cracked corn.
The following photos were taken while standing at the sink looking out the window into the yard where I feed the birds. There's a discharge pipe from our wet cellar and when there's been a lot of rain, water from the pipe forms a puddle before draining down into a brook. The puddle is clean and birds like to drink and bathe in it. Mallard ducks come in from wherever to use the puddle and brook as a source of fresh water and they compete with the deer and raccoons for the cracked corn that I sprinkle around. I have 5 birdfeeders on what used to be a clothes line. I also throw seed and corn on the ground so that other critters that visit won't go away hungry. I know, I'm a soft touch. Every day there is activity in our yard. Sometimes surprises! Like the pretty blue bird that I am not sure if it is an indigo bunting or a blue tanager. I should hunt around for my guidebook.
Take care!
Until next time
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