

Gaze at these beauties if you need cheering up! A walk in nature could be just what we need to jumpstart our weary souls.   Hello again, happy November! My, the days are flying off the calendar! Soon it will be Thanksgiving. The air this morning is a bit crisp with temps in the 30’s last night. I would love it if Roger decided to cover over our strawberry patch with leaves to insulate them for winter so I could have peace of mind. I have mentioned it, several times.😐 ( I have been diagnosed with degenerative discs in my back so at least I can now put a name to my back miseries.) 😢        Buddy loves this weather as long as it doesn’t rain. He absolutely hates to get his feet wet. He is such a happy dog and has brought a lot of sunshine into our lives. 1st I am knitting him a sweater. My first real garment since I learned to knit. Picture to share when it’s finished.🤗 We’ve had a few nights when we could look up into the heavens to marvel at the beauty of it all. Our night skies are


 Hello there, lovely people. It is Thursday, 12:25 pm and the sun is finally shining!😊 we are in the throes of Autumn and as I walk around our property and sit on the old bench I can smell the wonderful smell of Fall here in Eastern Pennsylvania. It's a mild day and a good day to be outside...the dogs are loving it. I feel kind today and I hope no one or no thing will burst my bubble. It might have something to do with the fact that I came across Maya Angela's quote... "My wish for you is that you continue to be who you are-continue to astonish the world with your acts of kindness. "  Man, that's powerful. I am interpreting that to mean my personal world. Roger and I have been bickering lately so he is going to be twisted sideways when I suddenly shower him with kindness when he arrives home from the dentist. 🤗 Hopefully it will shock him out of his grumpiness.🙃 So, what have I been doing? Not much productive. I've had a  hitch in my back for the past almos


  Hello!  Lucy says WELCOME! I hope that you are enjoying the beauty that surrounds those of us that are enjoying cooler weather and the changing colors of FALL. I think that across the pond it is called Autumn, I call it both.  My family’s surname is Eaton and our roots began in England. A few traditions were passed down and remain today.  One being our love of brewed tea. In fact, I am enjoying a cup right now. Roger is watching football. It’s 6 PM and dusk is upon us already. I love these early days. I have my pjs on, and my iPods in, 2 dogs sharing my easy chair with me.  I have waited all Summer for these cozy evenings. I think I mentioned in my last post that I have figured out finally that I suffer from SAD-seasonal affective disorder or, in my case, summer season depression. I function much better in the Fall, Winter, and Spring.  That’s not to say my life is all hunky dory, I’m just not feeling depressed and oppressed. This past Thursday I  leaned over to take my sock off and


  Hello from sunny Bethlehem in the northeastern part of Pennsylvania. I hope you are all well. I am feeling very much better these days. This is my favorite time of year.After days of needed rain we are enjoying this lovely day. I intend to get out and walk walk, walk today.  Besides working on cleaning up on our back patio, I have been working on knitting a pair of Magic Heel Socks, reading  and watching an Italian series, (with English subtitles) called BULLET PROOF HEART. I enjoyed it so much! Roger hates subtitles but I don't mind. I often watch MHz Choice which is all subtitles.  Last week I visited my daughter in the Poconos. Her family is visiting grandparents in Florida, yes, during the time when IAN was going crazy there. They are all fine. The relatives live in Navarre and that area of the panhandle didn’t get hit very hard. My daughter who just returned from the Island in Maine, and who doesn't travel well elected to stay home with the pets and some much needed rest