Isn't this a cute illustration? I posted this with the idea that it would help me convey what it was like at our house last week. Needless to say we received more snow and cold temps. But then we warmed up a bit and it rained and we lost a lot of our snow.

This is how it actually looked in our cozy living room where we spend most of our time even though we do have a family room.
 Pardon my feet! We also have a fire going in the fireplace but it's to the left out of the picture, on another wall. I had 2 dogs in my lap and a cat behind my head on the top of the chair. This was the very first picture I took with my new Nikon point and shoot camera. And this is what it looked like outside the next day.

Now, fast forward a week...we have just small patches of snow left after several days of  mild temps and rain. Yesterday I took pictures of little crocuses out on the lawn that were springing up everywhere. I took my camera out to photo them because I knew we were supposed to dip down into the 20's during the night. They could be history by the next day.  Lucy and Zeppy followed me out to sit in the sun on the driveway. 

Lucybelle. The sun is in her eyes. Her ear always sticks out like that. 

Zeppy, our special needs cat. He was hit by a car as a kitten, before we rescued him from the shelter, and has a twisted mouth, one functioning ear and eye. So lovable! Roger brought him home because no one was adopting him on cat adoption day. 



Rascal, our feral cat that we feed and bought a heated cat house for. He eats in it but prefers to sleep under the shed, go figure. 

He will not allow us to touch him or even get near him. So sad. 

I also took a bunch of bird pictures but this is the only one that I liked. 
White throated sparrow

I hope that you have enjoy my photos!


  1. I love your illustrations. Your life is very similar to mine. Do you draw illustrations for children books?


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