My Rose of Sharon bushes.

 Everything is so lush and green and pretty here in Bethlehem. I arrived home on Tuesday after over 12 hours behind the wheel. Heavy traffic, 2 accidents and a 1 hour stop at my brother's comprised my day. It was all made better with a lovely welcome from my fur babies and hubby. It had been a very long 11 weeks since I had left them for Maine.

 Wednesday was my son's birthday, 48 and also Roger's birthday, 73. Daughter in law, Renee, treated us plus oldest granddaughter at Copperhead Grill Restaurant in Center Valley, not far from our house.

I had lovely welcome home presents waiting for me that I had ordered from Amazon to be delivered to myself: 4 dvds and a very tiny Canon camera. There were also 3  bags of yarn from Wool Warehouse in England. So,  very nice home coming gifts.  I love coming home to mail in the form of packages!

Sunday Roger and I went to church. I hadn't been in 3 months! Our pastor had open heart surgery while I was away. He is now back to preaching. The service was lovely and the music was fantastic. I enjoyed seeing friends again. Afterwards we went out to eat in Coopersburg and on to Wal-Mart's to pick up fans. Our central air works but I needed little fans to put on my bedside table, in my sewing room and beside my recliner. This is an old house and the systems installed many years ago are not working as well as they could! Our temperatures are in the 90's everyday. A far cry from the coastal Maine temps with the afternoon breeze off the ocean. However, Mom tells me that even there the temps are very uncomfortable at the moment. What's going on with that?

Yesterday I finally felt like starting the cleaning ordeal ahead of me. We lost our cleaning lady some months ago and Roger did the bare minimum while I was gone. It will take several weeks to get the job done. I have back issues as well as other health problems so I clean, rest, clean and then call it quits for the day. Roger is working everyday but Sunday during the Summer and Fall with my son so I can't expect much help from him.  Besides  I think I  would rather work alone, we both like to be the boss!


Yesterday afternoon I took Lucy to the vet. She has a humongous fatty cyst on her rib cage that I had checked when I was last home. It grew larger while I was away so Dr Zajac and I decided it would be better for her if it were removed. She's also been put on arthritis medication and will need blood work and EKG done to see if she will be okay to have surgery. She's overweight which doesn't help. We adopted her as a puppy about 9 or 10 years ago. She's my baby! Dolly was adopted about 4 years ago but she was already 10 years old.


I have been writing this blog post over  the course of a week! I think it's time I finish it up and get it sent out into cyberville.

So, yesterday the Pocono crew came down  with their new puppy, Lucky. We were thrilled  to meet the little guy.  We had sub sandwiches and cake to celebrate a belated birthday for Roger.

My daughter, Judi.
Son in law, Erick.
Oldest grandson, 15. Logan standing beside his mother.
Youngest grandson, 11.Joshua
Lucky, 4 months

And, last but not least...I went to the doctor finally about my hacking cough and the chest cold that would not go away. It turns out I have acute bronchitis. Antibiotics and inhaler should do the trick.

I was able to sneak up on a couple of critters while I was out and about on our property. This doe was making herself at home and the rabbit surprised me as much as I did it!

Wishing you all...


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