Hello dear friends, 

Happy June!

How ARE you? Are you enjoying more freedoms? My life here on the Island is about the same. The grocery store and pharmacy have the same restrictions as does my monthly trip to the Wal-Mart in Ellsworth where there are still long lines outside to limit the number of shoppers allowed in at one time. I found out the hard way that the store isn't accepting returns until after the pandemic. 😒  It was a very warm day and my feet were killing me by the time I got into the store to customer service and absorbed that information into my little brain (I should have realized it) but... I practiced kindness, as did they.💖

Finally we have love!y weather and pretty flowers growing. I have been reading all your blogs but not commenting much. To be honest, I have had to have a good "talking to myself" which, so far, I have ignored. 😏 I am my mother's daughter after all, and if she won't listen to me, why should I?  I have been in a funk! 


Speaking of Mom, she has been very ill and still is confined to bed. I pretty much knew from the get go what was wrong with her but she would not listen, would not go to her doctor to get the medication needed. She became so sick she could not function and by that time she was not able to get out of bed. I was beside myself with worry. It's funny, (not really) but I hate nursing.  Yet I have nursed a husband for 5 years with cancer, and my second husband's godmother came to live with us and she was diagnosed with cancer and now I am the caregiver to my mother, who, according to her doctor, does not have anything wrong with her that is life-threatening. Well, if you don't count old age. I have not been able to get her to see her doctor since November. 

Anyway, I called the doctor' s office, explained the situation and they kindly let me take a urine sample to the lab. She has a severe infection and is on a strong antibiotic which is giving her lots of uncomfortable side effects.  She is somewhat better but far from well,  still in a lot of discomfort. She has enough antibiotics for 4 more days so I am in hopes of getting her up soon before she loses her mobility.

To get back to my you know I have been here 6 months now and I  feel very strongly that I need to go home. I need to see my own doctor, my dentist (I broke a tooth off at the gum line about 2 months ago) and the list goes on. 
So, a couple of weeks ago, like an answer to prayer,  I found a temporary caregiver for Mom whom I trust. I had made arrangements and plans to have all my ducks in a row to leave tomorrow or Tuesday. Then Mom started to have problems and my plans are now on hold until she gets back to normal. I am hopeful that another week will see a big change in her condition.

💖 My long-suffering husband (taken last Summer). You can tell he spends a lot of time outside!💖


One new past time that has helped me keep my sanity has been watching "vlogs". Maybe I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. I just lately became aware of them.  I'm sure some  of you are very familiar with cooking,  knitting, crocheting, quilting podcasts. I have occasionally watched one if I needed to learn how to do something but, not watched one for enjoyment. I have become semi-addicted to "chateau vlogs" and find the different personalities very interesting and informative not to mention entertaining. Basically, British people who have been unable to find affordable homes in England  searched the internet realty sites and discovered that an option available to them was the ability to purchase  (45 +/-) room chateaux (needing lots of TLC) in France. They can't afford to live in separate accommodations while renovating so have to live at their chateau whilst doing their own repairs, etc.  We get to see these homes before they start the DIY renos and then follow their progression through both the inside, outside and the grounds. The women have their own projects as well as teaming up with helping the men. They also enjoy life along the way. My favourite vlogs on YouTube are: Chateau diaries, Sundays at the chateau, Chateau life, Doing it ourselves, and Escape to chateau. Another vlog totally unrelated I just started watching is "Obsessive compulsive cleaners". Is it any wonder that I have become a night hawk?! They don't in any way take the place of my love of blogs. But, they do take the place of television, especially the news channels.

Coyote, a new visitor.

Hope you have enjoyed my little snippets of this and that! 
Take care of yourselves.
Much Love, 

I saw this on another blog, can't remember whose, and like it. 💖


  1. Your post is so lovely with all the beautiful pictures. I will have to visit again. Thank you.


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