The above photo which was taken in Deer Isle Village, might seem too pretty to be a winter scene BUT it was taken in December! Every year I forget to stop at this same spot in the village to photograph the splendidity (?) of when the harbor is iced in. So far the ice has not gathered on the shoreline around the harbor due to temperatures not being cold enough...yet. Probably in February.

Health in and faith

So, how was your Christmas? Mom and I enjoyed a quiet, cozy, and contented day. We talked to each other about the many blessings that God has poured down on us this year. First of all, our biggest one being good health aside from the usual aging complaints.  And we pray daily for those who are not so fortunate. Sure, we've had our troubles and losses but we both have a personal faith in Christ our Lord and Savior to lean on when our storms of life hit us.

Happy new year

I, of course, wish you all the happiest of New Year's but what we really need is a new year that is not a repeat of the old year. That is at the top of my prayer list. We must think positive! Repeat after me! We must think positive! Speaking of thinking...
I have been thinking of the past year and what I have accomplished and I am not impressed with myself. No, not at all. I have been in a funk it seems for most of the year. Just couldn't settle into old patterns of crocheting, reading and cooking. I became depressed just thinking about my depression, lol.  So, I am vowing to do better in 2021. I may try setting a goal for myself... I hesitate because that can put added stress upon the stress of being a slack off. I just hope that by this time next year I can actually think of something I have done that seems like an accomplishment. Sure, I do the day to day work of taking care of the house and Mom but I also spend way too much time on YouTube and playing computer games. Mom and I are deadbeats! We don't stay up, we don't care about count downs or fireworks. 


Do you have Good Luck traditions that you observe on New Year's Day? 

I must say that my family hasn't been big on traditions. We are a family of realists. We do usually eat ham but it's not written in stone. We don't party per se but we used to gather with friends some years for a meal and to spend time together playing games or watching a movie until it was time for the countdown on TV, Times Square. As the years have progressed we seem to find ourselves happy to spend it curled up on the sofa until the fireworks are over in our neighborhood and we can calm the dogs and settle down for the night. 
However,  I have been reading about how some other people observe and some of them seem quite quirky and silly.  For instance, eating fish on New Year's because they swim in a forward direction, like your life should go.. Or, what you're wearing or doing when the clock strikes 12 has a bearing on how your year will go. Or, how about smashing dishware on your friends and family's doorsteps the night before, the more the breakage the more good luck they will have. 

πŸ€The Luck of the IrishπŸ€

Since I first heard that my ancestors can be traced back to Ireland I have had a fascination with anything Irish. I came across seven traditions they do and some of them really tickled me silly. They start out with the least popular but I bet they are still observed by some in Ireland.

1. An early Spring clean which will keep away the after Christmas gloom by starting the year out right.
2. Banging Christmas bread against the walls to keep 
away the bad luck.
3. The first person through your door on New Year's    
Day could be very significant in how your year
will go. 
4. Westerly winds  blowing on New Year's Day would 
mean good luck for the Irish but and easterly wind
would mean bad luck for Ireland and good luck for 
the U.K. instead.
5. Mistletoe, holly, and ivy should be put under the  
pillows of those looking for mates. They will dream
of their future husband or wife. 
6. Entering through the front door  at the stroke of  
midnight and exiting through the back is the 
second most popular New Year's tradition of 
the Irish. 

And, finally, the number one most popular
7. Setting a place at the dinner table on New Year's 
day for loved ones lost the previous year is a 
way of honoring the dead. And, (just in case?) they leave the 
door "off the latch".

Looking Through My Kitchen 

Christmas Day I decided to surprise the deer with a cracked corn banquet. About 15 showed up. I set up the tables (piles) in different locations so that there wouldn't be bickering amongst the attendees that might lead to a foot to head altercation.
 And I'm happy to report that a good time was had by all.πŸ’–

This young gull tried to crash the party but was given deadly stares so he wisely decided to eat his bread elsewhere.

My daughter has these on her wall. I love them.πŸ’–


Irish Blessing 

May you be poor in misfortunes, 
And rich in blessings
May you know nothing but happiness,
From this day forward,
May good luck be your friend,
In whatever you do,
And may trouble be always,
A stranger to you.


Take good care of yourselves!


  1. I have Irish ancestors too and love those traditions. We open the front door to let the New Year in, that's if I'm not so tired and have already gone to bed:) How wonderful of you to give the deer a Christmas banquet. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year.

  2. No New Year traditions here, in fact, it's a bit of an effort these days to even stay up long enough to see the new year in, haha. Wishing you all the very best for 2021, let's hope it's a better year than this one's been.

  3. I would love to have deer to feed! I would get nothing done but watch them. Was so glad to see this post, and it actually came to my inbox. Love that first picture!

    I have not accomplished much this year either...I have got some serious stuff to accomplish this coming year. Besides I would like to accomplish some fun stuff while I am at it.

    I hope you have a Happy New Year....

  4. Those were some interesting traditions to read. Some downright entertaining. :) Mine was a rough ending to the strangest year of my life. Ready to leave 2020 behind!

  5. I can understand the being in a. funk. for part of the year, i found myself there as well. one thing I am so thankful for is that God is in control and none of this comes a sa surprise to Him. Happy New Year.

  6. Enjoyed reading about the Irish traditions, Susan, some of which were known, others new to me. The last one is my favorite. Don’t be too hard on not getting a lot done, by your saying, thus past year because many of us feel the same. It has seemed like time stopped sometime in March and how we made it to the end of December is an unsolved mystery. Sending best wishes to you, your mom and Roger for a happier new year for all.

  7. Happy New year! I have had a bad year for doing handiwork, needlepoint, sewing, crocheting, and I can't blame Covid, because I was lazy before it hit! So I just cross things off my list and put my kits, yarn, away...knowing that someday I might get "into it" again. It relieves stress to accept things as they are and try to be patient with ourselves! Andrea

  8. Happy New Year! We don't have much for a tradition for New Years Eve...we stay home most years...too many drunks on the roads. WE had a quiet evening celebrated with cheese and crackers and in bed before midnight:)

  9. Happy New Year! I'm sure the deer enjoyed their treat of corn!


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