Hello and happy Sunday to you! It's a dreary day here. We are supposed to get some sort of weather pattern come through. 100% but so far nothing is happening. And that really sums up my life right now. Nothing is happening. And maybe that's a good thing! I certainly don't want the wrong kind of excitement. How about you? I read your posts and envy how you seem to be able to pull wonderful pictures and thoughts out of nothingness that surrounds most of us these days. That didn't sound like a compliment but it is.💖

We've had some windy days and when I feel the need to get a heavy dose of vitamin sea I head to the shore and breathe deep. I  become mesmerized by the rolling action of the endless waves coming closer and closer as I move right down to a foot length away, daring the cold water to wash over my wellies. I love when the tide is coming in. And I think about how in a few years, if the powers that be have their way, wind turbines will be interrupting the raw beauty of our ocean and the fishing grounds that so many get their livelihood from. If you look closely at the above picture you can see three in the distance behind a small island. We see them blinking at us when we look out our front window at night.

I talk to my hubby every night and he's been filling me in on the slow progress he's making trying to get to the top of our long winding, uphill, driveway with 31 inches of snow in the way. The snowplow on his pickup truck is no match for it so shoveling is the only option. He and two neighbor friends finally made it.
He told me how he hasn't seen our stray cat and hopes it's not trapped under the shed down at the edge of the woods. So he shoveled  a tunnel to it hoping to find Rascal there but no luck. Rascal has his own heated house on our back patio but an unfortunate trauma happened a short time ago and he refuses to use it now. Roger thinks a wild animal (or the neighbor's big dog), saw the cat in the house, grabbed the house pulling the electrical plug from the socket and dragged it around the house and halfway up our hill. Roger was in the house when all of this was going on and the dogs must have been going crazy! He said he was asleep.😏 Anyway, I can't imagine the whole scenario! It remains a mystery. Poor Rascal. But he is a survivor and after Roger tunneled here and there around the property he made an appearance for his chow a few days after the monster storm. We breathed a sigh of relief.  😊

I do miss my pets! Lucy, in particular, because she is always with me no matter where I am. I have had her since a puppy. We adopted Dolly when she was 10 years old and she is a love, too, but she has a totally different personality. Who knows what went on in her former life. 

And I musn't forget our Zeppe! He is adopted also and a special needs cat. Apparently, as a kitten, he was hit by a car. The vet patched him up but he has one working ear and eye and a twisted mouth. He and Rascal don't like each other at all. If we could only catch Rascal we would have him neutered and that might help. 

Since I am sharing pictures of the family, here is the latest addition, our granddog, Lucky. He is adorable and just about fully grown now.
I am trying something new for me today and am sharing a funny video Roger sent me. It is an experiment but if it works I will be thrilled. I don't often step out of my comfort zone.🤔❤

What I accomplished this week...or not

I did not crochet at all.
I did defrost Mom's very old upright freezer. 
I did not catch a red tailed squirrel in my humane trap that is somewhere upstairs. How they are getting in I don't know. Thankfully we have the upstairs closed off for the winter.
I did listen to MEDICUS by Ruth Downie  on Audible. Very good. Four hearts.❤❤❤❤
I did read four books in the MELINDA FOSTER series by Melanie Lageschulte. Good but not exciting. A relaxing, feel good series. 

I was Blessed with communications from several friends and family members.💕

And I am Blessed to have all of you in my life.

And there you have it! 
Take good care of yourselves, 


  1. I always enjoy your water scenes.I also just enjoy hearing about your day to day life. Stay well and have a great week.

  2. The view to sea is so pretty. We haven’t had much sun and it is so depressing with day after day of grey skies.

    I was relieved to read the cat was okay. You must really miss your pets. But not all that snow, I bet!

  3. Hello! I enjoyed all your beautiful photos and meeting your adorable pets! I enjoy reading about your days, my friend. Have a cozy week!

  4. You live in such a beautiful area, Susan. I can't imagine having that view from my living room window. Your pets are adorable and I'm so glad to read that Rascal is safe. He's a handsome fella. I hope Roger stays safe getting the snow cleared and that you have a good week ahead.

  5. I enjoyed the cartoons. I am sure you are lonely for your dogs and the cats too. Hope you Mom is doing okay! That sounds like lots of snow you got back home:)

  6. I'm so pleased that Rascal turned up, it must be a worry for you being so far away from your pets and not being able to keep an eye on them all, I bet it's a very happy reunion when you do get to see them though. Yes, the video clip worked, I do love donkeys.

  7. You have such lovely pets and I'm glad Rascal is OK, I'm sure you miss them terribly.Yes, the video worked for me too, I love donkeys.As a child I used to see them being taken to the beach for donkey rides and always felt sorry for them having to work all day.

  8. So glad Rascal is safe. What an unfortunate adventure he had. I was shocked to see your Granddog for his image is staring at me from my puppy calendar.. Laughed out loud at the video. Did not see that coming.

  9. OH what a fun post today. Loved all your photo's and especially your furry friends. We had a darling Shih Tzu for 15 years. She passed a little over a year ago. How we loved and miss her. With my dearest health issues, we are not able to have another pet, also in the complex whrere we live.

    Your ocean pictrues are lovely, and I did get such a chuckle from your jokes.

    Have a grea day!!

  10. Lovely photos of the sea and your pets. I hope you will be safe during the weather that is in the forecast! Stay warm!

  11. I am sorry to be late commenting. I did sign up for notifications but did not get one...just thought I would check to see in case. I alway enjoy your posts of what is happening in your corner of the world. The video worked and is funny, but I love the cartoons even better. So fitting. I don't know if neutering Rascal would help or not. My Bubbie is neutered, as was my old cat...neither of them can stand another cat OR dog in our yard. My old kitty has been gone several years, but he would go after any dog, and so will Bubbie. And Bubbie doesn't like cats either...

    I have always wondered about wind turbines. I am fascinated with them, but by the time they are built...just think what it takes to actually make one, then there is the transporting it which is not an easy feat...and the actual buiding of them. I just would love to know the real truth about them. Besides, what happens when they leak...and we all know that things break/malfunction.


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