Happy days to you!

 Hello dear bloggy friends. I fear the title of this post might be a misnomer. However I didn't want to call it All things blah and dismal. Spring beauty is trying very hard to shine through but has a long way to go. I noticed yesterday that there are a few dandelions blooming, some forsythia budding and a few daffodils. So maybe I should have called it All things yellow and beautiful. Anyway... An archive photo of bright and beautiful will have to do. 

What's on my mind

I do have some bloggy administration stuff to discuss with you today! First of all, Blogger informed me that come July those of you who "subscribe"  to have my posts sent to you via email ( through  FeedBurner) will not have that option. They are discontinuing that service. When I started this blog 6 or 7 years ago I did not install the "Follower" gadget. I started it mainly as a journal for myself and my family and close friends. But, sadly, few of them seem interested in my ramblings and  pictures. I changed my blog name a few times and my blog has evolved into  a ramble with photos obout my everyday life at my mother's house on an island on the midcoast of Maine.  AND, to my surprise,  some of you dear people out there found me and  I gained several hundred  subscribers! A few have been loyal commenters. What a pleasure and, if truth me told, a definite boost to my self esteem.  So, to make a long ramble shorter, I have finally added a Follower button on my left sidebar (accessed by clicking on the three little horizontal lines located at the top by the header) and it would make me very happy if my subscribers would consider becoming  my Followers! My postings would go on you blog reader list.💖 

The other issue is different but I don't know how to fix it. I love reading your blogs but when I leave comments week after week they are returned to me with the reason given "blocked" due to "dmarc" and  "unauthenticated" and "policy reasons". This problem has popped up in the last month or so. It also isn't universal but with a handful... Jo, Ruth, Rose, Joe, Deanna(Creekside Cottage), Bless, Debbie (It’s all about purple) and a few others. 😟 I just want you lovely people to know I do read your posts and enjoy them very much.💖


Lovely Foxy

What a treat to see this ( ? ) bright and pretty robin almost daily out back by my bedroom window. 

Our juncoes leave us in Spring but we have a couple of hanger-ons.

Mr and Mrs Mallard show up every afternoon about the same time.

The red-winged blackbirds are so pretty but aren’t vocalizing yet. I think they are waiting for the females to show up.

I do love the bright and beautiful colors on this northern flicker! I watched him foraging for about 5 minutes or so. A nice break from what had been a mundane afternoon.

It’s not often I am quick enough to catch a chickadee at the feeder.

A new visitor and by the look of his cheek pouches he is a bit of a glutton!

Our deer will soon have to work for their living. In May I will slowly wean them off their cracked corn I gave them during the winter. My checkbook will thank me. As I write this in my bedroom Mr cardinal is singing his little heart out outside my window. Heaven.

And there you have it!
Take good care of yourselves,

❤️I love this! Every Sunday, Debbie, from It’s All About Purple, posts a poignant thought on her blog.❤️


  1. oooooh wow, how wonderful to see my blog mentioned in your post!!

    i saw the same message from blogger...that following by email will no longer be available, boo-hoo!! i do enjoy your "ramblings" and your images are outstanding!!

    the picture of the fox is stunning, the light makes the image glow!! the pictures of the birds are nothing short of amazing, i really enjoyed this collection. your are lucky to see such a variety of birds and wildlife "through your kitchen window"!!

    1. To answer your question on my blog...I do both gifting and some items I keep. I probably gift more than I keep!

  2. It is always good to read about your days.Blogger is making it harder and harder to keep on blogging. I have considered moving to Wordpress, but am just not sure about it.

  3. I really do love your posts. Question for you comment on all my posts? I assumed you only commented on one every now and then. I do get comments...I just have to approve them. The minute I make it able for the comments to post direct, I get those nasty, nasty hate comments. I do not know if I have your email address or now...but I would share one with you. All about hating us baby boomers and that they wish I would is pure venom. So I moderate all on it. They don't bother the other very much...I suppose because I only post occasionally over there.

  4. What a super selection of birds and critters in your photographs, lovely to see.

    Happy Sunday Wishes, and enjoy the coming new week.

    All the best Jan

  5. I use a blog reader, the one called The Old Blog Reader it is free and I can follow 100 blogs in the reader, it works great for me. You have Spring! :)

  6. I use a blog reader called Bloglovin' and follow the blogs I like to comment on in the sidebar of my blog. I enjoy reading about your daily life and love, love, love your photos of birds and animals. Blogger is becoming more difficult to use but it's free and I do hope it continues as I've been using it for a long time although I have some previous blogs for my eyes only.

  7. The wildlife you have on you small island always amazes me. There aren’t any deer on PEI.

    The markings on that Northern Flicker look hand painted. Such a beautiful creature.

  8. Susan, I've heard about the changes to blogger and since I have not followed any blogs by email, it will not change how I read them. I keep a list on my sidebar and try to visit each one at least 1X a week. Many bloggers post a lot more often than myself, daily for some, and while i try to read all, I will only comment on 1 or 2 as time allows.

  9. That Northern Flicker is amazing looking. I don't think I've ever seen one before. I wonder if my blog is causing you problems, too. So discouraging when things like that happen. I'm not happy about the change Blogger is making, but like Beatrice above, I also like keeping my favorite blogs on my sidebar. I figure it also gives those blogs a little exposure.

    1. Yes, it is unfortunately. I don’t know why it happens on some blogs and not on others. I loved your update blog and the photos of you and your sister. What a lovely week you had! So happy that you are able to put some of the sad details behind you but it was nice to relive old memories of where you grew up.

      I think that your cute pillow finish is adorable.❤️

    2. Thank you, Susan. I almost wrote that I've always seemed to receive your comments, but haven't lately. Wondering why up until recently, I've seen comments from you, I wondered if the problem on your end could be a random thing. But reading Jo's comment below, I now wonder if the same thing is happening to your comments on my blog. I have moderation set to turn on after 24 hours of a post being published, and I know sometimes people think their comment didn't take - especially if they've also experienced the instant publication when they've posted any comments during the first 24-hour window. With life the way it is right now, I'm not able to check my blog daily, but when I'm on my blog, I do check for comments that need to be approved and I approve them as soon as I am able. This keeps SPAM at bay. I hope you'll try leaving a comment again on my blog and see if this is possibly what's going on. I'm glad you wrote about this in your post - especially if it clears anything up for you (or us).

  10. Your comments do come through to me, even though you receive the email saying they've been blocked. They don't show up immediately as I have moderation on, but I do receive them and publish them. I love to see your photos of the wildlife you see through your kitchen window, so many lovely creatures in this post.

  11. I, too, have received that notification about email subscription not being available in the future. As for comments on my blog, I moderate them, so they don't appear right away. However, I have published those comments from you that I have received.

  12. Thank you for your comment on my blog! Just an FYI, I don't see the Follower button on your left sidebar.. just the "subscribe by email". I've been in a dilemma too about what to do about Feedburner! I have used it for years. I still don't even know if anyone receives my replies to their comments... and I don't anymore (for a couple of years now) get anyone's comments in my email inbox. I have to go look every day or two to see who commented, and t hen I reply, but don't know if anyone gets it. I'm finding too that when I comment on someone's blog, I get a message in my email inbox that it was blocked (or some sort of similar language) so I don't know if that person got my comment! What a mess! If I try to enable my email on my profile on blogger, then everyone gets that "blocked" message when they comment.. so I keep my email "off". I guess I"ll have to watch some youtube videos on how to go from Feedburner to something else. I've had the blahs too, very much.. and worse than I've ever had! I'm trying to feel "up" with spring coming and some nice weather we've been having, but it doesn't seem to do be any good. for now anyway! Hang in there. Marilyn

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