Hello lovely readers!The photos above were taken in Stonington Harbor at the very end tip of the Island. About 10 miles from where my house is. We had some beautiful days. Not too hot, just right for the family to sight see and also to get work done around the old homestead. If we wanted to eat out we had to go to Stonington harbor. I did get a mess of lobsters but I ate my fill and froze the rest to bring back to Pennsylvania since my daughter and grandsons don’t like shellfish. 

If you are one of my regular readers these photos are old hat to you. I never get tired of the Summer scenes but I really should broaden my picture taking to other areas of the Island. It’s just the parts of the Island we shop in and eat in so since I am there already I capture the moment. Another reason is that many parts of the Island are now private property. However, we did take a trail walk around the shore with oldest grandson.

I hope you have enjoyed the photos. We spent one day off from working and visited Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. The day was in the 80’s and I didn’t do well on Cadillac Mountain but more on that in my next post. 

Thanks for stopping by,




  1. We have been to Stonington a few times, so the photos were wonderful to see, Susan. It's nice that you are taking time off to relax and enjoy the area with your family in the midst of house clearning out. The water scenes are wonderful photo opps.

  2. Oh I sure did enjoy the photos. Enjoyed those paths through the woods and the busy harbors. I love Maine and you gave me a mega dose. I spent a delightful summer in Lovell on Kezar Lake but on days off we'd head for the coast.

  3. Your photos are wonderful, a delight to see. Nice that you are having some good times away from work on the house.

  4. Susan, I never tire of your photos from Maine. It feels like home to me too.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog too. It is good to know someone out there enjoys it.

  5. Hello! Please never stop sharing beautiful pictures of your beloved Maine! I have never been, and it is a dream of mine, so I soak in every single thing you share! Have a wonderful day up there!!!!

  6. Lovely seeing these photographs.
    Maine looks wonderful.

    All the best Jan

  7. Your pictures are stunning, Susan. Maine is a beautiful place.


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