Hi there bloggy friends! ❤️ It’s Saturday 5PM. A cold damp day, 38 degrees F. We celebrated our son-in-law, Erick’s, 50th birthday today at a local restaurant. I can just about remember turning 50. Can you? The reason I remember it is because it was 2000. Y2K. And my birthday was 4 days into the new year. I didn’t know it at the time but a few months later my husband, Doug, would be diagnosed with brain cancer, and later my daughter would get married and our son and wife would give us our first grandchild. A year to never forget.

If you like traveling down memory lane, how about reading the blog called WEAVER OF GRASS. I loved the comments section also.  In todays post she asks if we remember our first kiss…our first “grown up” kiss. I don’t and I know I should. It’s not that I was kissed by so many it’s just that it must not have been that memorable I guess. I do remember my girlfriend arranging a double blind date. It was the summer we graduated high school. We went to a drive in movie. My friend and her future husband went at it in the front seat while my supposedly shy date decided to give me a very bad case of swollen lips and whisker burn in the back seat. My first and last blind date. I was ashamed to be seen by my parents or anyone else for a couple of days. Not something you forget!

Roger is hoping I will watch the football game so I will head downstairs. I brought my dessert home from the restaurant so I am looking forward to it and a nice cup of tea. I received happy mail today from Amazon. I used some of my gift cards. This shipment included 3 pairs of reading glasses, a coffee mug warmer, ear pods that fit over the back of the ears (my iPods keep falling out of my ears), a larger teapot with infuser, 2 cases of Sheba pate cat food for our 18 yr old Nika, and a set of  “SHORTIE” interchangeable knitting needles. Bliss.

I will include a few photos taken this past week. 

And there you have it.

Take good care of yourselves 



I’m trying to read with Zeppe in his favorite spot.

Shawl I’m working on
❣️Colorful new couch throw my brother sent for Christmas.❣️
Do you see Zeppe in the end dining room chair? He has a bed there. 

Lucy trying to figure out what the cat is up to. 


  1. Hello! What precious and lovely photos! I do remember turning 50, as it was three years ago. But I also remember my mother turning 50 like it were yesterday. It was 1987 and I was a senior in high school. She was as beautiful then as she is now. We will celebrate her 86th next weekend. Have a cozy weekend!

  2. Oh yes....I remember, it was 5 yrs ago. Anyways, thank you for the memories. smiles

  3. Lovely photos, nice to see you with your adorable pets. I remember my first proper grown up kiss but not my 50th birthday, how strange is that :-)

  4. The blue icy photo which was at the top of the post is exceptional. It disappeared though.

    I also love your cozy home photos. The pets are precious.

  5. Hello Susan: I have to say Zeppe and Lucy are adorable, my Blondie the cat looks like your Zeppe she sends love and hugs to Zeppe.
    I remember my first kiss it was horrible, sloppy and nasty. I am short he was tall.
    I remember 50 I loved it, no at 72 this month I still feel 50.
    Happy Birthday to Eric.
    Lovely yarn, I may learn to knit and crochet someday.


  6. The years go by so quickly don't they ...
    Happy Birthday wishes for Erick.

    I like the colours in the shawl you are working on, they look good together.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  7. I got caught up in the kitty and doggy photos... so, so cute. And, yes, I remember!! I was proud to have lived half a century.

  8. I had to enlarge the photo to kind of see Zippy. My eye was dazzled by the pretty crocheted blanket on the sofa. :) First kiss was my hubby early in our dating. And 50 feels almost like yesterday, instead of 14 years ago...

  9. Belated Happy 🎂 Birthday wishes to you, Susan, and what nice treats you were able to get for yourself with the gift cards. They definitely are the one-size-fits-all gift these days! I don't recall turning 50 nor do I recall my first kiss (sigh). While I don't remember that long ago birthday, I do know that the next one approaches next week.

  10. What a delightful post! I do indeed remember my first kiss. It was from the 17-year-old boy who later became my husband to whom I am now married 51 years! Thank you for visiting my blog!

  11. Both Zeppe and Lucy look adorable! The yarn you are using to make your shawl looks lovely. I like variegated yarn. :)

  12. Nope too long ago to recall the big 50:)


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