

Hello dear friends, I hope you are all well and your anxiety attacks are few and far between. I must say I am getting rather anxious to go to my hairdresser! My mop of hair is curly, thick, bushy, and frizzy.  Oh, joy! And it hasn't been this long in 20 years. Help! It's amazing what a session with a good stylist can do for my self-esteem. Well, guess who had a birthday on Monday? Yep, you guessed right! 93 years young!  It set me to thinking if I will live that long? I have inherited a lot from Mom...A rebellious spirit, macular degeneration, fat genes, my nose, acid reflux disease,  a good work ethic, and my love of animals. The bitter and the sweet. To what do I think helped her longevity? Green beans. She has had a life long love affair with green beans. I can remember her eating them right out of the can for a snack while the rest of us were pigging out on chips or ice cream as we were crammed into our tiny living room watching black and white T...


Hello dear friends! I hope you are all well. Our outside surroundings are pretty somber still and it matches our mood most of the time inside, unfortunately. Mom, especially, is still very much devastated and struggling to cope with the loss of her son and beloved cat.  However, we are taking baby steps and each day brings us closer to the sun. I was delighted to see our neighbor's daffodils yesterday on my walk. It reminded me of my home in Bethlehem where, right now, everything is in full bloom and gorgeous! Oh, joy! I can picture it all in my mind!   It brings to mind a few lines of a lovely poem written by Wilhelmina Sitch, 1888, about Spring...  Were I to live a thousand years I would know that flaming thrill, That rush of joy when first appears- The golden daffodil. A thousand times my heart would sing When purple irises unfold; Or when forsythia's branches bring,  Their dazzling showers of gold. ...


Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.  Vivian Green Hello dear friends, I hope that all is well in your world. We remain untouched by the virus here but that doesn't mean we are without adversity and heartbreak.  The "clan" that I  was born into, the Eaton's, is steadily shrinking.  In the past few years we have lost those near and dear.  First my dad, Eugene, then his brother, Albert, (also his daughter within a week of each other) and now my brother, Thomas.  Good, solid names for good, solid, men.   Tom went to be with the Lord on Friday.  He did not have the caronavirus. The seriousness of his illness went undetected and was further complicated due to inaccessibility to doctors, hospitals and treatments because of the all-consuming protocols of Corvid-19.  He was 71 years old,  a beloved husband, son, and brother.  We shall miss his Maine wit, his talents, h...

A Quiet Life

Hello dear friends! I hope you are staying well and your life is stress-free. As for me, I am still in Maine (will I ever see Bethlehem again??) taking care of my mother. She has a birthday this month - 93 years young.  Maine has 117 cases of coronavirus right now. 17 have died? Most of those are nursing home residents. Can't really remember but it's less than 20. Everyone I know is following the guidelines. I won't have to go out until next week.  Would you like a chuckle or two? These came from PHAMILYBLOG...ISOLATION OBSERVATIONS. Homeschooling is going well. 2 students suspended for fighting and 1 teacher fired for drinking on the job. I need to practice social distancing from the refrigerator. I used to spin that toilet paper roll like it was wheel of fortune. Now I turn it like I'm cracking a safe. This morning I saw a neighbor talking to her cat.  It was obvious she thought the cat understood her. I came into my house, told my dog...we laughed a l...