Hello Everyone! I am bored today so have been playing around with blogger. I often do that just before I publish a new post. I bought a new software editing program but am having a heck of a time getting it to do what I want it to. My mind is not as sharp as it used to be. I usually figure it out eventually but then I can't remember how I did it for the next time around. I feel like I have very limited intelligence these days. I had a birthday this week so I am still feeling the sting of being another year older.😏 But, you know what? If at first you don't succeed... You eat chocolate! No! You download another app. This time a free one called "funcky". It is so simple to use! It has been so cold, snowy and windy since Christmas. Tuesday I finally cleaned my car off and moved it from the snow and ice it was stuck in. We have a three car garage but none of the doors work. The closest repair service is 60 miles away and the estimated cost is $700! Eventually I will ...