

View taken from our shore. Hello!  How are you all?  I am  recovering from a malady known as "TOO MUCH". I have to giggle as I write this because it's rather silly. However, I think some of you might agree with me. Do you feel that we are being bombarded with falling asteroids? They all have names: Virus(es), Vaccine,  Restriction, Media, Chaos, Nervous Breakdown,  to name a few. I am so looking forward to a time when my biggest anxiety will be finding the right person to take care of Mom so I can go home for the Summer.  As for Mom, I am at a standoff with her over getting the Covid vaccine. She is refusing to get one. She was supposed to see her doctor on the 14th but is saying she's not going. On the evening news  she heard something about side effects the other day and she has grabbed on to that tidbit like an anchor to use as an excuse but the real reason is she doesn't want to leave the house.  So, what have I been up to? In keeping with my desire to be more


  Hello Everyone!   I am bored today so have been playing around with blogger. I often do that just before I publish a new post. I bought a new software editing program but am having a heck of a time getting it to do what I want it to. My mind is not as sharp as it used to be. I usually figure it out eventually but then I can't remember how I did it for the next time around. I feel like I have very limited intelligence these days. I had a birthday this week so I am still feeling the sting of being another year older.😏 But, you know what? If at first you don't succeed... You eat chocolate! No! You download another app. This time a free one called "funcky". It is so simple to use!  It has been so cold, snowy and windy since Christmas. Tuesday I finally cleaned my car off and moved it from the snow and ice it was stuck in. We have a three car garage but none of the doors work. The closest repair service is 60 miles away and the estimated cost is $700! Eventually I will


 The above photo which was taken in Deer Isle Village, might seem too pretty to be a winter scene BUT it was taken in December! Every year I forget to stop at this same spot in the village to photograph the splendidity (?) of when the harbor is iced in. So far the ice has not gathered on the shoreline around the harbor due to temperatures not being cold enough...yet. Probably in February. Health in and faith So, how was your Christmas? Mom and I enjoyed a quiet, cozy, and contented day. We  talked to each other about the many blessings that God has poured down on us this year. First of all, our biggest one being good health aside from the usual aging complaints.  And we pray daily for those who are not so fortunate. Sure, we've had our troubles and losses but we both have a personal faith in Christ our Lord and Savior to lean on when our storms of life hit us. Happy new year I, of course, wish you all the happiest of New Year's but what we really need is a new year that is not


 Hello and happy days! I hope that you are feeling JOY in your hearts as we get ready to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Christ .  I saw this display on my way to Ellsworth in a little town called Surry. It was a partly sunny day, the sun was low and peeking through the trees. The next day we had a snowstorm. Winter is now alive and well! 😐 Mom and I are snug as 2 bugs in a rug! We feel so blessed to have everything that we need and we feel very loved with daily deliveries from family and  phone calls from Roger, my daughter, Judi, and my brother, Richard to keep us in the loop. We miss my older brother's presence in our lives. He passed away in April. Mom received a Christmas card from his widow, Kathy, and was quite emotional for the rest of the day.  I think she feels it's unfair that God sometimes takes a mother's child before herself. I'm sure I would feel the same if I was in her shoes. One day last week was very cold, windy, and SUNNY. So I decided to go out o


  My, it's so cold this week! Winter has truly arrived now for sure. We had a bad storm a few days ago with huge accumulations of snow and lost power inland. We received rain and strong wind here on the coast. The freezing temperatures arrived after that and even during the day the ground has remained frozen. At least I don't have to put boots on when I go outside. 😌 I have walked but the landscape is bleak and bare. There's not a lot to photograph. So far no decorations anywhere. I thought I would see some in Ellsworth but don't remember any. Of course my mind has been wandering lately. They may have been there but I was out to lunch mentally. I do remember stopping at the wrong bank! I went through drive-thru, waited in line, couldn't understand why they asked me so many questions and looked at me like I had a screw loose. I couldn't understand what the teller was mumbling through his mask until he mentioned the name, Camden Bank. What? What did you say? Oh,