

Good morning dear bloggy friends! It's a dreary day here and I am biding my time until Mom wakes up. Her bedroom is right off the kitchen so I try not to make a lot of noise in the mornings. She suffers from insomnia so she is usually going to sleep when early birds are getting up. Her day doesn't usually begin until one o'clock! Yes, you read that right.   I, on the other hand, do my best work in the mornings. I have learned to adjust after all these years. I have been my mother's caregiver for five years now. I came on December 1st when my dad had a bad fall and ended up in the hospital. He never returned home again. He was in the Island nursing home for a year and a half before he passed.  Speaking of the Island nursing home. A crisis is going on there. It came on quite suddenly.  Covid has robbed four people of their lives and over half of the residents and some of the staff have tested positive. It is in the local newspapers and local TV stations are covering it on


Hello lovely people! Today is December 1st, the first day of Advent. The weather is ATROCIOUS outside. WIND and rain. I hope there are no boats in distress today.  That worry brought to mind my collection of lighthouse photos of Maine.  And THAT brought to mind how much I admire your blog header designs.  I wish I knew how you do it. Would you care to share? 💖 Staying in is not hard for me to do ever! Especially with a computer.  I am a definite homebody but do miss my family and having lunch with friends. My corner of the world can seem very small at times though. Especially here on the Island. The old homestead is not as large as my house in Pennsylvania but is a bit sprawling.  My bedroom is on the back side of the house and is warm and cozy, most of the time, depending on how well the furnace is working, the direction of the wind and how cold it is outside, lol.  I have lots of stuff in here. In fact, I just constructed a huge 6 shelf unit to put my yarn, etc, on, including my too


But first let's enjoy this cheerful Summer scene depicting life on the Island... Hello dear bloggy friends! I trust you all had a pleasant Thanksgiving or if you don't live in the United States I hope you still ate well and feel blessed.  Today I feel thankful for all the people who have subscribed to my blog or put me on their blog reading list. I don't have a lot of followers but I do have a fair amount of subscribers and I feel very blessed indeed for each and every one of you! Thank you from the bottom of my lobster loving heart! 💖 I read all of your blogs, but, like a lot of you I don't always comment. I do make sure I comment regularly to those of you who leave me a comment. No pressure though! I just am grateful that you visit at all!  November Sunsets So, November is just about over. I am trying to stay positive so yesterday I dragged decorations downstairs and put away the summer bits and bobs we have scattered around this old house gathering dust. Believe me


 THANKS =Ten Hugs And Nine KisseS T hank others H elp others A ppreciate what you have N otice your blessings K now your gifts S erve others Hello again! Thanks so much for stopping by! Today I am thankful to see the sun. We've enjoyed having wind and rain instead of snow and wind which equals a blizzard. Yesterday when it stopped raining I went for a walk up our little hill and down a longer hill to get to the beach there. It's where, as a child,  we would hunt for tiny crabs amongst the rocks and seaweed. My children have fond memories of doing the same. It's also where my grandparents lived but also where my parents (Eugene) owned a restaurant(the Lobster Pool) next to it for over 50 years. It was sold many years ago along with the house.  I was enjoying my walk on the beach when thunder rumbled and the rain came down in sheets! I had on a hooded winter coat but it soaked through quickly. Being a stubborn Mainiac I went on snapping photos but did turn back. Halfway up th


Hello there! Happy Sunday! I hope that you are well and looking forward to the upcoming holidays. I am continuing on my Thirty Days of Thankfulness. I saw this top photo on a blog called WISEHEARTED. I don't know where she came by it but the first thing I thought was 'how did this person get this on his hands?' But, of course, we can do this sort of thing with our computers, if we know how. The point Wisehearted was making, though, was that God formed us, put us where He wanted us and made us who we are. We matter to Him. Well, I am so thankful He put me in the United States! I'm not knocking other countries, no, no.  But, when you compare it to living in  communist countries, I feel very blessed indeed.    Possibly, looking at this picture we might think, WOW! How insignificant I am in the scheme of things. Well, yes, maybe so but I know who I am and God knows who I am so that's all that matters when all is said and done.💖 I am so thankful I have this knowledge de