Hello there, lovely people. It is Thursday, 12:25 pm and the sun is finally shining!😊 we are in the throes of Autumn and as I walk around our property and sit on the old bench I can smell the wonderful smell of Fall here in Eastern Pennsylvania. It's a mild day and a good day to be outside...the dogs are loving it. I feel kind today and I hope no one or no thing will burst my bubble. It might have something to do with the fact that I came across Maya Angela's quote... "My wish for you is that you continue to be who you are-continue to astonish the world with your acts of kindness. " Man, that's powerful. I am interpreting that to mean my personal world. Roger and I have been bickering lately so he is going to be twisted sideways when I suddenly shower him with kindness when he arrives home from the dentist. 🤗 Hopefully it will shock him out of his grumpiness.🙃 So, what have I been doing? Not much productive. I've had a hitch in my back for the past almos