I am so ready for Spring! Bright colors, warmer days, sunshine, the music birds make, green grass, fresh air without the bite of freezing cold on my face and hands as I walk the dogs on our daily jaunt around the property. We have had warmer temps, rain and wind for several days so most of our snow is gone here in Bethlehem. There's not a lot going on here. Just mundane things like dentist appointments, car repairs, funace problems again, stomach virus, vet appointment for Lucy's stomach bump. Today Roger is back at the garage for an inspection on his truck. Hopefully, it will pass without the problems of his jeep when he had to have work done on the gas tank. Better days must be coming! I am a bit depressed I think today. I feel overwhelmed with all that I have to do before I can leave to go back up to Maine and deal with all that goes on there. I have been quite lazy the past few weeks and now I have a house to clean (we no longer have a cleaning lady, thanks t...